



ACT 1 


A quick, disorientating series of shots show a stabbing one evening in a gritty area of London. The identity of the two involved is left unknown

Credits appear in a white font, against a black background, "SURRENDER"



ACT 2 


We track a young man, Travis, on his journey home through a series of jump cuts, starting at a busy highs street, then to a series of quiet streets, before arriving home. 

After arriving home, he greets his Dad, who is perched on the bottom step of a staircase. Dad doesn't reply. After several attempts to apologise for his lateness, he is clearly being given the cold shoulder. His Dad walks into the living room, leaving his phone on a stall and sits down on the sofa. Travis, after one last attempt to get the attention of his Dad, goes to walk away but instantly turns and walks back when Dad's phone starts to vibrate. Dad gets there just before Travis and picks it up. A phone call from the police reveals to him his involvement and death in a stabbing incident. In a hallucinatory moment of confusion and panic, he begins to bleed out - the intrusion of reality cuts through and he desperately attempts to grip on to life. Everything prior had been a projection of his mind in his dying moments. 



ACT 3 

In the final act, Travis runs through the forest; his emotional journey comes to a liberating resolution. He stops and turns to look at the glowing light behind him, symbolising his acceptance of death. 

The ending is closed and unambiguous with a blunt, static shot of Travis' pale, lifeless face on the side of the road. 


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